Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples and modeled how to do it. Let’s replicate the process.

  • What is a D-Group?

    Gender specific groups of 3-5 who meet together on a regular basis for a season. The groups are designed to equip believers with the Word of God through accountable relationships in order to replicate faithful followers of Jesus.

  • Why D-Groups?

    As best we can see in Scripture, Jesus spent about 90% of His time with 12 people or less. There were three who had an even deeper relationship with Jesus. Though we are not Jesus— we want to model His ministry and discipleship process. D-Groups provide the opportunity for every believer to engage in the disciple-making process that Jesus implemented.

  • What is the Goal?

    We want everybody to experience spiritual growth by being conformed to the image of Christ and for each person to replicate the process with another group.

What can I expect in a group?

We want all of our groups to have the following 5 elements as tracks to run on: CAMPS.

This acronym serves as a guide for our groups and creates an environment where members can grow in Christlikeness through authentic relationships founded on a mutual love and trust for God and for one another.


A group that's committed to maintaining confidentiality provides a safe space for honesty, transparency, and vulnerability. Trust encourages confession; "confess our sins to one another, so that you may be healed." James 5:16


Accountability is the opportunity to serve, provide support and encouragement as we come alongside one another. Accountability is essential for those devoted to maturing in their walk with Christ.


When we are consistently memorizing Scripture, our minds are filled with and shaped by the most powerful spiritual tool a believer is equipped with.  Scripture memory is crucial in gaining victory over temptation and sin. 


Prayer is our primary means of seeking, conversing, listening, and seeing God move in our lives and in others. Sharing prayer needs and lifting up one another in prayer is one of the most powerful and encouraging aspects of a D-Group!


As disciples of Christ, the Bible is the foundation for everything we do. The primary textbook for D- Groups is the Word of God. The lecture-style teaching method isn't needed, as each group will engage and discuss the Scripture together! 

How do I join a group?

This is a common question, and the short answer is, you don’t join a D-Group, you start one! Being a part of a Discipleship Group happens by invitation only. The good news is—nothing stands in your way from inviting someone (or 2, 3, or maybe even 4) to join you in a D-Group!

Ideally, the best place to begin is Biblical community such as our Small Groups. These are people you already know and can continue to build relationships with, and together each can take their relationship with God and others deeper.

However, you could ask anybody to be in a D-Group! For example, if there are new members of the church you meet— asking them could be a great way for them to connect to the church and be discipled.

I don’t feel confident to lead a D-Group just yet…

We totally understand. When talking about discipleship we can think that in order for us to disciple somebody else we need to be more holy, more knowledgeable, and an overall “better person” before we can help anybody else grow in their faith.

While those thoughts are understandable— you can do it! Think of yourself as more of a facilitator and view these groups as being mutually beneficial for everybody.

Of course, there will be different levels of maturity in Christ in every group and in every relational dynamic (just like with Jesus and His disciples!)— but we can all learn from each other and do good to one another spiritually!

How often should a group meet?

Ideally, you should meet once a week (or every other week if needed) for about an hour to an hour and a half each time.

Maintaining consistency is going to be key for yourself as well as for the good of the other members in the group. You are needed!

It’s important to remember that discipleship is more about intentional relationships with one another as the group pursues Christlikeness together, not a religious box to check.

It’s about practicing the way of Jesus!

And Jesus came and said to them,

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

Sample Schedule of a D-Group Meeting

Past (20-30 min)

  • Begin with Prayer

  • Share highs and lows from the week

  • Recite Scripture Memory from the week

  • Recap Accountability goals/questions from the week

Present (30-45 min)

  • Share personal insights from Bible Reading from the week

  • Discuss weekly Bible reading

  • Share what God is teaching you, where you saw Him at work that week, opportunities to share your faith, etc.

Future (10-15 min)

  • Discuss how you will Apply the Scripture for the week

  • Set and discuss Goals for the week and ask your group (or specific individuals in your group) to hold you accountable to them.

End In Prayer (10 min)